As the Foundation nears the end of its second Covid-19 fiscal year, we have to thank those who continued to generously donate and those who were first time donators. Please know that we have missed our Flat Joe 5k family. We hope and pray for a more normal near future, and a return of the Flat Joe 5k in the summer of 2022.
The generosity of our Donors have contributed to the following in 2021:
2k Scholarship awarded to Noah Locke, of MHS
Sponsorship of the Security Forces Officer Course Lt. Helton Leadership Award (presented 4 times annually)
David Sarver and Elizabeth Williams held a joint birthday celebration workshop and dance in August. Dancers from the Atlanta West Coast Swing generously purchased tickets to the workshop and dance, and an anonymous donor paid for the major expenses. As a result, the weekend netted $1500.00.
A $500.00 check was presented to Fred Mahony, Commander of American Legion Post 201 for the boxes that are sent to deployed soldiers for the holidays
The remaining %1,000.00 was matched by the Foundation, and a check for $2,000.00 was sent to Stop Soldier Suicide.
On September 8, 2021 the 6th SFS stationed at MacDill AFB, Tampa, Florida, held the their annual Helton Haul, calling it the 1st Lt. Joseph Helton Memorial 5k this year. Squadrons assembled early in the morning, and, following opening remarks, entered the course in a staggering fashion to accommodate for Covid 19. Lt. Helton's father finished the run carrying the 6th SFS squadron flag across the finish line and back to Helton Hall. Push-ups were done for the 14 Fallen Defenders, with a few extra tossed in for good measure.
September 9 dawned a sunny day with the 6th SFS setting up for the 1st Annual Lt. Helton Golf Tournament. After a quick good morning and explanation of the rules, players mounted their carts and headed off to respective holes. A few specific holes held some unique challenges for the 70+ golfers who signed up for this inaugural tournament(you'll have to talk to someone who played to get the details!) Raffle and door prizes, team prizes, along with a few extra "games" at a couple of holes couples with the outstanding weather, made the Tournament both enjoyable and fun. Plans are already in the works for next year's tournament along with a few more "hole challenges" that will even more fun than it was this year!
As always, our doors are open to volunteers who have time, and our minds to new ideas. If you have either, please contact us at [email protected], please put either Volunteer or Idea in the heading (or both if you have them!) and send on the information. Hope to hear from you soon!
Don't be a Weak Sauce! Mamma Jiff
Recent Past
Noah Locke was awarded the Lt. Helton Memorial Scholarship this spring. We are hoping to hear good things from him this holiday so we can renew the scholarship for the next semester!
"Remembering the Fallen while honoring those who served" click here to donate